The family is invited and encouraged to be highly involved in planning the funeral Mass. A meeting with the priest and pastoral staff should be arranged as soon as possible after the death. A funeral planning packet is available to be picked up at the parish office.
Family members or friends are always welcome to participate as readers, ushers, gift bearers, and Eucharistic Ministers.
The liturgist arranges for both a cantor and organist to lead the assembly in song. Family members or friends are welcome to participate as musicians. HOWEVER, this is at the discretion of the pastor and liturgist.
All elements of the funeral Mass must be approved by the pastor and liturgist. The funeral planning packet offers all of the approved selections for music, and scripture readings.
The Church recommends that the custom of burying the dead be observed-that is; the traditional custom of embalming the body, placing it in a casket, and burial in a cemetery. The Church welcomes and recommends that fetuses and stillborn children of Catholic parents be interred in a cemetery.
The Catholic Church permits cremation, provided that it does not demonstrate a denial of faith in the resurrection of the body. As of November 2, 1997, permission has been given to celebrate the Funeral Mass with the cremated remains present. The remains are to be placed on a small table or stand in the place normally occupied by the coffin. The remains of the deceased after cremation must always be treated with the proper respect that befits the dignity of the human person and baptized Christians. Therefore, they are to be interred in a cemetery, rather than being scattered or kept in an urn at home.
The Church allows for organ donation as long as certain criteria is met. Read more here:
The Church allows for donation of the body for medical research, so long as there is an appropriate committal of the body according to the Church’s guidelines for burial after the research is completed. You would need to specify in the appropriate legal documents that your body be returned to your family for burial once the research facility to which you have donated it is finished with its study. (
A wake liturgy is customary the evening before the funeral Mass. The prayer service consists of prayers, scripture readings, and song. There can also be time set aside for sharing personal stories about your loved one. One of the priests or pastoral assistant presides over the wake liturgy. The church of St. Pius X welcomes and encourages families to hold the wake (and visitation) in the church itself.
The staff of St. Pius X Parish will do our best to accommodate the wishes of the family as to the day and time of the funeral. Funeral Masses may be celebrated on any day except: church solemnities that are Holy Days of obligation; Holy Thursday; the Easter Triduum; and the Sundays of Advent, Lent and the Easter season.
Memorials are appropriate for:
Please refer to the sheet in the funeral-planning packet for the menu options. There is a committee available at the church to serve the catered luncheon. Typically the gathering is held in Founder's Hall.
All costs associated with the funeral will be combined into one bill from the funeral home. In the event the family chooses not to use a funeral home, a $900 stipend to the church is required, plus food expenses if a lunch is requested. Checks should be made out to "Church of St. Pius X" and brought on the day of the funeral.