Young people in third grade or higher may choose to participate in Mass as an Altar Server at St. Pius X. Altar Serving is a fun and important ministry in our parish and is a way for younger parishioners to get involved in liturgical ministry. Training is provided in a group setting twice a year or for interested individuals by appointment with the Director of Music and Liturgy.
Qualified students must be reverent, committed, and willing to serve God and their parish through ministry. Altar server duties include arriving early to prepare for Mass, assisting the priest throughout Mass, preparing the altar for Christ's Body and Blood, and other various Liturgical tasks.
Altar Servers schedules are created every three months and each server is usually scheduled to minister 2-4 Masses depending on Mass preferences. There are also opportunities for experienced Altar Servers to assist with Weddings, Funerals, and Holy Day liturgies.
Please contact Matt Maus, Director of Music and Liturgy, to sign up for this ministry or to get more information.
Click to view the current schedule.
Click to view the current subs lists.
To keep contact information safe, you will need to log-in using your MinistryPro username and password to access subs lists. Please contact Matt if you need to have your password reset.